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Stories of collaborations with collectors

How does it work?

A collector would like a POST painting about a specific artist / artwork in a specific size 

Either directly with Laurence or through her galleries, the project is discussed and a proposal is submitted.

Then the painting is created. Et voila !

2018 Andy & Hubert 40x30 Laurence de Val

At the occasion of the exhibition BUNTE Art at the Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art of Munich, in June 2018 in Munich, Hubert Burda commissioned this POST painting.

It tells the story of his collaboration and friendship with Andy Warhol and presents a detail of Magazine and History, a huge 4.3 m high painting.

More about Andy and Hubert

2018 Gustav and Adele 40x30 Laurence de

This POST painting was commissioned by a collector, descendant of an Austrian Jewish family who found refuge in NYC during WWII. 

More about Gustav and Adele


A collector, fan of Magritte and of  NYC commissioned this POST.

Magritte had his first and only trip to NYC for his retrospective at the MOMA a few months before his passing.

More about Magritte in Big Apple

2018 Keith Dancing with Stars 40x30 Laur

A fan of Keith Haring wanted a POST which would reflect his own values and beliefs. The Flag poster was the starting point.

More about Keith dancing with stars

This duo was commissioned by a German collector and art dealer fan of Sigmar Polke and Jonathan Meese. What is the link between these two artworks?

find out on this page Sigmar and Jonathan

A collector, who liked both Warhol and Kruger, asked if it was possible to find a connection between the two artists.

Indeed, it is! This duo highlights the influence of Warhol on conceptual and appropriation artists such as Barbara Kruger.

More about Andy and Barbara

Cezanne's series of the The Montagne St Victoire is for ever linked with the city of Aix en Provence. 

This artwork was created for a French collector in love with the artist and his birthplace

2021 Henri s lines and colors 40x30.jpg

In 1953 Henri Matisse created The Sheaf for Mr and Mrs Brody for their Los Angeles Manshion.
I was happy to create this Post painting for a passionate collector in Paris.

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Colorful realistic paintings

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